Free Birthday Design For June Born Courtesy Of KB Graphix Designs

Are you born in the month of JUNE??? If yes, then i have a good news for you. You share the same birth month with one of Nigeria's most talented graphic designer, the very famous KB Graphix.
His birthday is on June twelve and he has decided to show some love to everybody born in the month of JUNE provided you can contact him before 24hours to your birthday.

You will get a free customized birthday card/artwork designed for you so you can use on your whatsapp, facebook, instagram and all other social media.


Send your nice and good quality picture to this phone number via whatsapp; +2348163191177.
Make sure you specify your name, date of birth  and any other necessary info.
Your birthday card will be designed and sent back to you within 24hours of sending.
Please make sure you make your submission early enough to enable the designer get back to you in time.
Now Its Time To Show Gratitude:
When posting on social media with the free birthday card, make sure to add the harsh tag #HBDWITHKBGRAPHIX. Also make sure you follow @KBGRAPHIX_ART on instagram.



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