
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Book of First Chronicles in 60 seconds

The book of first Chronicles contains the story of King David. Especially, the book describes his plans for the temple (the house of God in Jerusalem). David gave careful instructions to the priests. He wanted everyone to serve God properly.

The book of Second Kings in 60 seconds

The book of 1 Kings provides an account of the death of David, the reign of his son Solomon, the decline and division of the Kingdom of Israel after Solomon and many of his successors turned to idol worship. It also recounts the ministry of the prophet Elijah among the northern ten tribes of Israel.

The Bible in 60 seconds

The Bible is the holy scripture of the Christian religion, purporting to tell the history of the Earth from its earliest creation to the spread of Christianity in the first century A.D. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament have undergone changes over the centuries, including the the publication of the King James Bible in 1611 and the addition of several books that were discovered later.

La Bibbia in 60 secondi

La Bibbia è la sacra scrittura della religione cristiana, che ha la pretesa di raccontare la storia della Terra dalla sua prima creazione alla diffusione del cristianesimo nel I secolo d.C. Sia l'Antico che il Nuovo Testamento hanno subito cambiamenti nel corso dei secoli, inclusa la la pubblicazione della Bibbia di Re Giacomo nel 1611 e l'aggiunta di numerosi libri scoperti in seguito.

The Book of first Kings

The book of first Kings follows the history of the kings of Judah and Israel untill the destruction of Jerusalem. Its serve a touch to those experiencing exile in Babylon in the hope that they might gain a new self-understanding. It is a story of the monarchy's failure and deserved judgment.